Thursday, April 4, 2013

Summer Camp

TKDojang World Martial Arts 
This year we'll have 5 camps. The theme for each week will be a country. Students will learn the country's martial arts and culture.

June 17 - Brazil - space available
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Capoeira, Amazon obstacle course, Brazilian gladiator, weapons and much more...

June 24 - USA - space available
Kickboxing, American Ninja Warrior, Nerf battle, Dodge ball, Boxing and much more...

July 15 - Korea - FULL
Taekwondo, Hapkido, Yin-Yang noodle ball, Capture the Black Belt, Kumdo and much more...

July 29 - Japan - FULL
Samurai & Katana, Ninja stars, Sumo training, Ninja battle, Samurai obstacle course and much more...

August 5 - China - space available 
Kung Fu, Jet Kune Do, Chinese weapons, Panda train, Battle of the Kingdom and much more...

9am to 3pm Monday through Friday.

Don't let your children miss out on this incredible program where kids can learn awesome new skills and make new friends. 
We focus on confidence, character, self-control, balance and fitness while we are having a great time.

Take advantage of April's discount!  Space is limited.
For more information visit us on Facebook

Monday, April 1, 2013

American Open TKD Championships

Congratulations to all participants and supporters at the American Open TKD Tournament.
Outstanding performance!  you made us very proud.

San Juan Elementary

Taekwondojang supported the San Juan Elementary Jog-A-Thon by assisting with the warm-up and sharing a lot of energy!